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List of EFC Designs with Descriptions and Builders

1001WoodCgo/Hull3500281.5Standard Coast, Ferris dsn. (1001-TS = twin screw, Standifer) See separate list of wood designs and contracts
1002WoodCargo3000260Standard Wood Lake Ship, Lock SizeDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1003WoodCgo/Hull3500289Hough dsn.Coos Bay SB, Marshfield OR; Fulton SB, Wilmington CA; Grant Smith-Porter, St. Johns OR; Kruse & Banks, North Bend OR; McEachern Ship, Astoria OR; Sommarstrom SB, Columbia City OR
1004WoodCargo4000287Peninsula SB Co dsn.Peninsula SB, Portland OR
1005WoodCgo/Hull4000290Gray's Harbor M.S. Corp dsn. (also called Ward type)Grays Harbor M.S., Grays Harbor WA; Puget Sd Bridge & Dr, Seattle WA
1006WoodCargo4700315National SB Co dsn. (Daugherty type)National SB, Orange TX
1007WoodCargo2500261Lake & Ocean Nav. Co.Lake & Ocean Nav., Sturgeon Bay WI
1008WoodHull3650287Allen SB Co dsn.Allen SB, Seattle WA
1009Comp.Cargo3500284.5Merrill Stevens SB Corp dsn. (McClelland type, composite)Merrill-Stevens, Jacksonville FL and Slidell LA
1010Comp.Cargo3500284.5Terry SB Corp dsn. (McClelland type, composite)Mobile SB, Mobile AL; Terry SB, Savannah GA
1011WoodCargo4000308Supple & Ballin dsn. (Ballin type)Supple & Ballin, Portland OR
1012SteelCargo6000346.5Merrill Stevens SB Corp dsn. (Munrio type)Merrill-Stevens, Jacksonville FL
1013SteelCargo8800423.8Skinner & Eddy Corp dsn. (Robert Dollar type)Columbia River SB, Portland OR; J.F. Duthie, Seattle WA; Los Angeles SB&DD, Los Angeles CA; Northwest Steel, Portland OR; Skinner & Eddy #1 and #2, Seattle WA
1014SteelCargo7500396Seattle Const & DD Co dsn. (Cascade type)Seattle Const. & DD (Todd), Tacoma WA
1015SteelCargo9400416Moore SB Co dsn. (1015R = refrigerated variant)Groton IW, Groton CT; Moore SB, Oakland CA; Pacific Coast SB, Suisun Bay CA; Seattle N. Pacific SB, Seattle WA; G.M. Standifer, Vancouver WA; Union Indust. Wks, Oakland CA; Virginia SB, Alexandria VA.
1016SteelCargo8800423.8Baltimore DD & SB Co dsn.Baltimore DD&SB, Baltimore MD; Groton IW, Groton CT
1017SteelCargo7500395.5Downey SB Corp dsn.Downey SB, Milliken NY
1018SteelCargo10000450Sun SB Co dsn.Sun SB, Chester PA
1019SteelCargo8800427Standard dsn., Ferris (Robert Dollar type)Atlantic, Portsmouth NH; Long Beach SB, Long Beach CA; Patterson McDonald, Seattle WA; Southwestern SB, San Pedro CA; U.S. Steel SB, San Diego CA; Western Pipe & Steel, San Francisco CA
1020SteelCargo3550261Standard Lake "A" dsn.American SB at Buffalo NY, Chicago IL, Cleveland OH, Detroit MI, Lorain OH, and Superior WI; Globe SB, Superior WI; McDougall-Duluth, Duluth MN; Saginaw SB, Saginaw MI; Toledo SB, Toledo OH
1021SteelCargo6000354.5Long Beach SB Co dsn.Long Beach SB, Long Beach CA
1022SteelCargo7500401Standard Fabricated Type "A" (Hog Island)Amer. Intl. SB, Hog Island PA
1023SteelCargo5075335.5Standard Fabricated (Submarine Boat Corp)Bayles SY, Port Jefferson NY; Submarine Boat, Newark NJ
1024SteelTrnsp.8000448Standard Fabricated Type "B" (Troopship) (Hog Island)Amer. Intl. SB, Hog Island PA
1025SteelCargo9000415Standard Fabricated, Harriman type (Merchant SB Corp)Dierks Blodgett, Pascagoula MS; Merchant SB, Bristol PA; Merrill-Stevens, Jacksonville FL; Newburgh SY, Newburgh NY; Pensacola SB, Pensacola FL
1026SteelCargo7300385Standard, Ferris (4 ordered, canc.)Hampton Roads SB&DD, Norfolk VA
1027SteelCargo9500416Standard dsn. (Oscar Daniels SB Co)Oscar Daniels SB, Tampa FL
1028SteelCargo7500389Whittlesay Panel design (16 ordered, canc.)Southern SB, Charleston SC
1029SteelTrnsp.13000535Standard Pass. & Cargo (orig. troopship)Bethlehem, Alameda CA and Sparrows Point MD; New York SB, Camden NJ; Newport News SB&DD, Newport News VA
1030SteelTanker10000444Standard Tankship. See Dsn 1059Design not ordered, no EFC numbers
1031SteelTanker7500405Standard Tankship (Bethlehem SB Corp dsn.)Bethlehem, Wilmington DE; Terry SB, Savannah GA
1032SteelCargo12000457Standard 12000t (Bethlehem dsn.). 1032-T = troopship, EFC 1574Bethlehem, Alameda CA
1033SteelCargo5650387.3Standard Lake SplicedDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1034SteelCargo6000448Standard Cold Storage. To Dsn 1015 Refrig. VariantDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1035SteelTug-AT-150Standard 150' Steel Ocean TugBayles SY, Port Jefferson NY; Bethlehem, Elizabethport NJ; Consolidated SB, Morris Heights NY; Foundation, Port Huron MI; W.H. Gahagan, Arverne NY; Lake & Ocean SB, Cleveland OH; New Jersey DD&TR, Elizabethport NJ; Newburgh SY, Newburgh NY; Northwest Eng'g, Green Bay WI; Providence Eng, City Is. NY; Whitney Bros., Superior WI
1036SteelTug-YT-100.2Standard 100' Steel Harbor TugJohnson IW, New Orleans LA; Northwest Eng'g, Green Bay WI
1037SteelCargo9600410.3Federal SB Co dsn.Doullut & Williams SB, New Orleans LA; Federal SB, Geo. A. Fuller, Wilmington NC; Kearny and Newark NJ
1038SteelCargo5000335.5Jahncke SB Co dsn.Jahncke SB/Mobile SB, Madisonville LA
1039SteelBarge7500352Panama Canal Coal Barge: Alabama DD & SB dsn.Alabama DD&SB, Mobile AL
1040Conc.Hull3000260EFC Concrete Dsn. #1Liberty SB, Brunswick GA
1041SteelTanker10000425 ppMoore SB Co dsn.Moore SB, Oakland CA
1042SteelCargo3350261Standard Lake "B" dsn.Great Lakes Engr, Ashtabula OH and Ecorse MI
1043SteelCargo5350320.8 ppHanlon DD & SB dsn. Also 1043-B.Hanlon DD&SB, Oakland CA
1044SteelCargo3400261.3Manitowoc SB Co dsn.Manitowoc SB, Manitowoc WI
1045SteelTanker9100431.8Bethlehem SB Corp dsn.Bethlehem, Quincy MA
1046SteelCargo7400391.8Bethlehem SB Corp dsn.Bethlehem, Sparrows Point MD and Wilmington DE
1047SteelTanker10100435 ppBethlehem SB Corp dsn.Bethlehem, Alameda CA and Sparrows Point MD; New York SB, Camden NJ; Newport News SB&DD, Newport News VA; Southwestern SB, San Pedro CA
1048Conc.Cargo3500281.5EFC Concrete Dsn. #3Fougner American, Flushing Bay NY
1049SteelCargo3700300Albina Engine & Machine Wks. dsn.Albina Engine & Mach, Portland OR
1050SteelCargo5000344.8Standard, Straight Frame Dsn 1023Design not ordered, no EFC numbers
1051WoodHull4600315Standard, Daugherty type (6 ordered, canc.)Union Bridge & Const, Morgan City LA
1052WoodBarge600100 ppStandard, Open LighterDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1053WoodBarge500102Standard, Open LighterDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1054WoodBarge26085 ppStandard, Covered LighterDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1055WoodTug-AT-150152' Sea-Going Wood Tug, Crowninshield SB Co.Crowninshield, Fall River MA; Universal SB, Sturgeon Bay WI
1056WoodCargo5000410 ppDaugherty type (22 ordered, canc.)Dierks Blodgett, Pascagoula MS; National SB, Orange TX
1057SteelCargo11800427Bethlehem SB Corp dsn. Dsn 1057a=11800t, Dsn 1057b=11700tBethlehem, Alameda CA
1058SteelTanker6000354.5Baltimore DD & SB Co dsn.Baltimore DD&SB, Baltimore MD
1059SteelTanker10300430Baltimore DD & SB Co dsn. (Mod Dsn 1030)Baltimore DD&SB, Baltimore MD
1060SteelCargo4200261Great Lakes Engineering Wks. dsn.Great Lakes Engr, Ashtabula OH and Ecorse MI
1061WoodTug-AT-133Wood Ocean Tug, M M Davis & SonsM.M. Davis & Sons, Solomons MD
1062WoodBarge3500255Standard, Kelley Spear BargeDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1063SteelCargo7433392.5Standard SB Corp dsn.Standard SB, Shooters Is. NY
1064SteelBarge-300 ppStaten Is dsn. oil bargeDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1065WoodCargo3500281.5Pacific American Fisheries dsn.Pacific Am Fisheries, Bellingham WA
1066SteelCargo8800423.8J.F. Duthie & Co dsn. (Mod Dsn 1013)J.F. Duthie, Seattle WA
1067WoodBarge2500240Standard, Wood Coal Barge, Ferris (Type B was a timber carrier) See separate list of wood designs and contracts
1068WoodBarge3000-Standard, Wood Coal Barge, Ferris (Kelley Spear type)Design not ordered, no EFC numbers
1069WoodBarge3500275Standard, Wood Coal Barge, Ferris (Schooner type) (15 ordered, canc.)Elliott Bay SB, Seattle WA; Foundation, Newark NJ; Jahncke SB, Madisonville LA; Neches SB, Beaumont TX
1070Conc.Cargo3500281.8Concrete Dsn #2Liberty SB, Wilmington NC
1071Conc.Cargo?7500-To Dsn 1101?Design not ordered, no EFC numbers
1072WoodCargo5000327.5Standard, Douglas Fir Ship, 5000dwtDesign developed by Columbia River shipbuilders, not ordered, no EFC numbers
1073SteelCargo4300284.5Dsn 1009 converted from composite (5 ordered, canc.)Merrill-Stevens, Jacksonville FL
1074SteelCargo4050261Great Lakes Engineering Wks. dsn.Globe SB, Superior WI; Great Lakes Engr, Ashtabula OH and Ecorse MI; Manitowoc SB, Manitowoc WI; Saginaw SB, Saginaw MI
1075WoodCargo4500307Modified Ballin typeG.M. Standifer, Vancouver WA; also Kiernan & Kern S.B., Portland OR, cancelled.
1076WoodTug-AT320140Wood Ocean TugNorthwest Eng'g, Green Bay WI
1077SteelBarge5000372.8Townsend & Downey, 1,800,000 gal. oil barge, Socony, 6020tDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1078SteelCargo8725401 ppChester SB Co. (7 ordered, canc.)Chester SB, Chester PA
1079SteelCargo9600423.8Skinner & Eddy Corp dsn. (Mod Dsn 1013)Skinner & Eddy #1 and #2, Seattle WA
1080SteelCargo8800426Ames SB & DD dsn.Ames SB&DD, Seattle WA
1081----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1082SteelBarge3800-Ore BargeDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1083----600,000 gallon oil barge at Nashville Bridge Co.Design not ordered, no EFC numbers
1084WoodCargo1500-Continental SB CoContinental SB, Yonkers NY
1085WoodTug-AT-100100' Standard Steel Harbor Tug, Cox & Stevens dsn.Continental SB, Yonkers NY; M.M. Davis & Sons, Solomons MD; Main IW, San Francisco CA; S.C. McLouth, Marine City MI; Southland SS, Savannah GA
1086WoodTug-YT-101100' Standard Wood Harbor Tug, Murray Watts/Mathis dsn.A.C. Brown & Sons, Tottenville NY; Burger Boat, Manitowoc WI; Chance Marine Const., Annapolis MD; Cumberland SB, S. Portland ME; Dachel Carter Boat, Benton Harbor MI; Eastern Shore SB, Sharpstown MD; Gibbs Gas Engine, S. Jacksonville FL; International SB & Mar. Eng., Nyack, NY; Leatham & Smith T&W, Sturgeon Bay WI; J.H. Mathis, Camden NJ; Northwest Eng'g, Green Bay WI; G.J. Pilkington, Miami FL; Smith & Williams, Salisbury MD; J.W. Sullivan, Sailors Snug Harbor NY; Vinyard SB, Milford DE; Ward & Pride, Miami FL
1087----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1088----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1089----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1090SteelTug-AT-150150' Trawler typeDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1091----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1092SteelCargo10000443Kiangnan Dock & Engr. Wks. dsn.Kiangnan Dock, Shanghai China
1093SteelCargo4200361American SB Co dsn.American SB at Buffalo NY, Chicago IL, Cleveland OH, Detroit MI, Lorain OH, and Superior WI
1094SteelCargo5100339Bethlehem SB Corp dsn.Bethlehem, Elizabethport NJ and Wilmington DE
1095SteelTrnsp.12000502Passenger & Cargo (orig trooper), New York SB Corp.New York SB, Camden NJ
1096SteelBarge1800206Oil Barge (600, 000 Gal.), Nashville Bridge Co dsn.Nashville Bridge, Nashville TN
1097SteelCargo3200260.8Long Beach SB Co dsn.Long Beach SB, Long Beach CA
1098WoodCargo--Kiernan & KernDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers. Design 1075 probably ordered from Kiernan instead.
1099SteelCargo4050261American SB Co dsn.American SB at Buffalo NY, Chicago IL, Cleveland OH, Detroit MI, Lorain OH, and Superior WI; McDougall-Duluth, Duluth MN; Toledo SB, Toledo OH
1100Conc.Tanker7500434.3EFC Concrete Dsn. #70A. Bentley & Sons, Jacksonville FL; F.T. Ley, Mobile AL; Liberty SB, Wilmington NC; Pacific Marine Const., San Diego CA; San Francisco SB, San Francisco CA
1101Conc.Cargo7500434.3 estEFC Concrete Dsn. #69 (changed to Dsn. 1100 or canc.)F.T. Ley, Mobile AL; San Francisco SB, San Francisco CA
1102WoodCargo4500307Modified Ballin type (EFC 2194-97)Supple & Ballin, Portland OR
1103SteelCargo11750419.5 ppNew York SBNew York SB, Camden NJ
1104WoodCargo4800298.0 ppPatterson-MacDonald Australian typePatterson-MacDonald, Seattle WA
1105SteelCargo9500415.9Skinner & Eddy Corp dsn. (Editor type)Skinner & Eddy #1 and #2, Seattle WA
1106SteelTanker11375477.8Newport News SB & DD Co dsn.Newport News SB&DD, Newport News VA
1107----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1108----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1109WoodBarge2000-Beaumont SB & DD (barge,"Kirby Schooners," EFC 2127-28)Beaumont SB&DD, Beaumont TX
1110SteelCargo5800-Twin screw motor ship, 330' x 47' x 29'Design not ordered, no EFC numbers
1111WoodHull5000-Geary type (EFC 1115-20)Puget Sd Bridge & Dr, Seattle WA
1112----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1113WoodHull--Dsn 1001 altered to barge (EFC 278, 393, 396)Johnson SY, Mariners Harbor NY; L.H. Shattuck, Portsmouth NH
1114WoodHull--Dsn 1003 altered to barge (EFC 431, 435, 454)Coos Bay SB, Marshfield OR, Fulton SB, Wilmington CA; Kruse & Banks, North Bend OR
1115WoodHull3650-Dsn 1008 altered to barge (EFC 2038, 2188-89)Allen SB, Seattle WA
1116WoodHull4100-Dsn 1005 revised to increase volume (EFC 2677-84)Grays Harbor M.S., Grays Harbor WA.
1117SteelCargo12500470New std. dsn 3.1919, Dsn 1117A/B, 12500/14200t, 13/11.5 kts (canc. 4.1919)Design not ordered, no EFC numbers
1118SteelCargo5500330.3 ppJapanese 5500tAsahi SY, Asahi Japan
1119SteelCargo6300357Japanese 6300tFujinagata SY, Fujinagata Japan; Yokohama DY, Yokohama Japan
1120SteelCargo10500437Japanese 10500tHarima SY, Toba Japan
1121SteelCargo5000315Japanese 5000tHarima SY, Aioi Japan; Ishikawajima SB, Tokyo Japan
1122SteelCargo9000385 ppJapanese 9000tKawasaki SY, Kobe Japan; Mitsui Bussan, Uno Japan
1123SteelCargo5500315.9 ppJapanese 5500t "B"Nitta Kisen, Osaka Japan
1124SteelCargo12600461Japanese 12600tAsano SY, Tsurumi Japan
1125SteelCargo6650372Japanese 6650tUraga DY, Uraga Japan
1126SteelCargo8360413Japanese 8360tMitsubishi SB, Nagasaki Japan
1127SteelCargo10000420Japanese 10000tOsaka IW, Osaka Japan
1128SteelTanker10000446Wm. Cramp & Sons S&EB Co dsn.W. Cramp & Sons, Philadelphia PA
1129WoodBarge3500-Crosby Nav. Co. (EFC 2578)Crosby Nav., Richmond ME
1130----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1131----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1132----Unknown designDesign not ordered, no EFC numbers
1133SteelCargo11000431 ppType 1013 with 2 decks and shelter deckLos Angeles SB&DD, Los Angeles CA
No #Conc.Cargo4500-Concrete prototype (EFC 1190)Ferro-Concrete SB, Alexandria VA
No #SteelTanker10600-As Sun hulls 1-2 (EFC 2387-2394)Sun SB, Chester PA
No #SteelBarge3300-Cylindrical tank oil barges (EFC 2499-2504)Merrill-Stevens, Slidell LA
No #SteelTanker10000-Plans from Sun (EFC 2865-2871)Northwest Steel, Portland OR