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Wooden Ship Contracts Arranged by EFC Design

The McKellar wooden ship list is arranged alphabetically by shipbuilder. This table provides a list of the contracts for these wooden ships arranged as in McKellar's later steel ship list, by EFC design and then alphabetically by builder, for those who prefer that arrangement. The opportunity was taken to add the numbers and dates of the contracts, the EFC hull numbers of the ships in them, and the cancellations and other changes in the disposition of the ships that occurred after the end of the war in November 1918. Contracts not in McKellar's list, all cancelled and nearly all for barges, were also added. Changes made after 21 April 1919, the date of the last relevant document consulted, may not appear here but probably do appear in McKellar's list. The changes are usually presented in ascending order of EFC number. For example, in the listing for EFC hulls 637-642 built by Dantzler, hulls 637-638 (BOONE and MOSS POINT) were completed as initially intended, hull 639 (ESCATAWPA) was completed as a flush deck barge (FDB), hull 640 (ABERFOIL) was completed without machinery, and hulls 641-642 (AMADAR and ASHTON) were cancelled. Note that by April 1919 the Shipping Board's Division of Operations had no interest in the acceptance or delivery of the hulls without machinery, and most of the later ones were instead delivered by their builders to the Construction Division's district managers and immediately laid up in storage yards. The information presented in this table is all from the records of the United States Shipping Board (Record Group 32) in the U.S. National Archives.

EFC hullsNrDsn.Builder1st contr.DateChanges (FDB = flush deck barge)
Design 10013500-ton Ferris
332-33321001Alabama DD&SB, Mobile, AL4723.7.1917
187-19041001American SB, Brunswick, GA2426.6.19171 (EFC 189) compl. w/o mcy., 1 (EFC 190) to FDB
1008-101141001American SB, Brunswick, GA15019.12.19171 to FDB, 3 canc. 25.3.1919
2627-262821001American SB, Brunswick, GA47710.8.19182 canc. 25.3.1919
48311001Babare Bros., Tacoma, WA7814.8.1917
1235-123621001Babare Bros., Tacoma, WA19521.2.19181 compl. w/o mcy.
2685-268621001Babare Bros., Tacoma, WA48420.9.19181 compl. w/o mcy., 1 canc. 25.3.1919
447-45041001Beaumont SB&DD, Beaumont, TX7117.7.1917
2119-212681001Beaumont SB&DD, Beaumont, TX411A22.7.19181 to FDB, 7 canc. 25.3.1919
488-48921001Benicia SB, Benicia, CA8131.8.1917EFC 488 compl. w/o mcy.
222011001Benicia SB, Benicia, CA33822.6.19181 to sailing
2735-273621001Benicia SB, Benicia, CA49223.9.19182 canc. 25.3.1919
484-48521001Chandler, R.J., Wilmington, CA7929.8.1917
1035-103621001Chandler, R.J., Wilmington, CA15521.12.1917
2259-226021001Chandler, R.J., Wilmington, CA32615.6.19181 to FDB, 1 to sailing
59-6241001Coast SB, Portland, OR821.5.1917
1031-103441001Coast SB, Portland, OR1546.12.19171 compl. w/o mcy.
2725-272841001Coast SB, Portland, OR48923.9.19184 canc. 25.3.1919
1286-128721001Coos Bay SB, Marshfield, OR20123.2.19181 compl. w/o mcy.
2190-219341001Coos Bay SB, Marshfield, OR3336.6.19182 compl. w/o mcy., 2 to FDB
382-39091001Cumberland SB, S. Portland, ME5916.8.19173 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 25.3.1919 & compl. privately
637-64261001Dantzler SB&DD, Moss Point, MS8817.9.19171 to FDB, 1 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 25.3.1919
279-28461001Dierks Blodgett, Pascagoula, MS3914.7.19171 canc. 25.3.1919
54211001Feeney & Bremer, Tillamook, OR848.9.19171 compl. w/o mcy.
230411001Feeney & Bremer, Tillamook, OR34225.6.19181 canc. 25.3.1919
115-124101001Foundation, Newark, NJ1413.6.1917EFC 123 compl. w/o mcy.
43611001Freeport SB, S. Freeport, ME6616.8.1917
461-46331001Freeport SB, S. Freeport, ME21321.2.1918Housatonic EFC #s reused. 1 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 25.3.1919
1388-138921001Fulton SB, Wilmington, CA21211.3.1918
2157-215821001Fulton SB, Wilmington, CA32512.6.19181 to FDB, 1 compl. w/o mcy.
2845-284841001Fulton SB, Wilmington, CA5132.10.19181 to FDB, 3 canc. 18.1.1919
34611001Gilchrest, G.A., Thomaston, ME5021.7.1917
262-26321001Gildersleeve Ship Const., Gildersleeve, CT3512.7.19171 compl. w/o mcy.
285-29281001Grant Smith-Porter, Aberdeen, WA4014.7.1917
2180-218781001Grant Smith-Porter, Aberdeen, WA42912.8.19184 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB, 1 canc. 25.3.1919 & compl. privately
1355-136281001Grant Smith-Porter, St. Johns, OR40 supp28.1.1918
2172-217981001Grant Smith-Porter, St. Johns, OR42812.8.1918
2270-227561001Grant Smith-Porter, St. Johns, OR42812.8.19181 to FDB, 1 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 25.3.1919
125-136121001Groton IW, Noank, CT1515.6.19172 compl. w/o mcy., 3 to FDB and then canc. 26.3.1920, 4 canc. 13.9.1918
330-33121001Hammond Lumber, Eureka, CA4621.7.1917
647-64821001Hammond Lumber, Eureka, CA9013.9.1917
2261-226331001Hammond Lumber, Eureka, CA32710.6.19182 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to sailing
643-64641001Heldenfels Bros, Rockport, TX8913.9.19172 compl. w/o mcy., 2 to FDB
2729-273241001Heldenfels Bros, Rockport, TX49012.9.19184 canc. 25.3.1919
347-35041001Hodge Ship, Moss Point, MS5121.7.19171 to complete w/o mcy., this canc. 27.6.1919 and compl. privately
2597-260041001Hodge Ship, Moss Point, MS395Error: duplicate of contr. 51 supp.
2841-284441001Hodge Ship, Moss Point, MS51 supp26.8.19184 canc. 28.3.1919
455-464101001Housatonic SB, Stratford, CT737.9.19174 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB, 4 canc. 9.3.1918
210-21561001Jahncke SB, Madisonville, LA293.7.1917EFC 212 compl. w/o mcy., 214 to FDB, 215 canc. 25.3.1919
2621-262661001Jahncke SB, Madisonville, LA39215.8.19186 canc. 25.3.1919
276-27821001Johnson SY, Mariners Hbr, NY3814.7.19171 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to Dsn 1113 FDB (below)
234311001Johnson SY, Mariners Hbr, NY4347.8.19181 canc. 25.3.1919 & compl. privately
44111001Kelley Spear, Bath, ME6816.8.1917
272-27541001Kingston SB, Kingston, NY3714.7.19172 compl. w/o mcy., 1 canc. 25.3.1919
2771-277331001Kingston SB, Kingston, NY49715.8.19183 canc. 25.3.1919
2129-213461001Kruse & Banks, North Bend, OR3771.7.19182 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 25.3.1919
264-27181001Lone Star SB, Beaumont, TX3612.7.19172 to FDB, 1 to FDB and then canc. 25.3.1919, 1 canc. 25.3.1919
99-10461001Maryland SB, Sollers Pt, MD124.6.19172 to FDB, 2 canc. 5.4.1919
169-17241001McBride & Law, Beaumont, TX2123.6.19171 to FDB, 1 canc. 28.3.1919
2733-273421001McBride & Law, Beaumont, TX49110.9.19182 canc. 28.3.1919
328-32921001McCammon, J.N., Beaumont, TX4521.7.19172 to FDB
2159-216461001McEachern Ship, Astoria, OR330 supp9.8.19186 canc. 25.3.1919
2311-231441001McEachern Ship, Astoria, OR33015.6.19181 to FDB, 3 canc. 25.3.1919
442-44321001Meacham & Babcock, Seattle, WA697.8.1917
951-95441001Meacham & Babcock, Seattle, WA14328.11.1917
1746-174721001Meacham & Babcock, Seattle, WA143 supp31.5.19182 canc. 14.6.1918 and replaced by contr. 335 with new EFC numbers. Contract not in McKellar
2525-252841001Meacham & Babcock, Seattle, WA33514.6.19184 compl. w/o mcy.
2687-268821001Meacham & Babcock, Seattle, WA48521.9.1918Both to FDB by 17.3.1919. EFC 2688 canc. 9.4.1919, reinstated 10.9.1919
358-36361001Midland Bridge, Houston, TX5420.7.19175 compl. w/o mcy.
2107-210821001Midland Bridge, Houston, TX393A16.7.19182 to FDB
303-30971001Missouri Valley B&I, Quantico, VA4320.7.1917Contract 43 with Potomac SB, Quantico replaced by contract 385 with Missouri Valley 28.6.1918. 2 to FDB, 5 canc. 25.3.1919
378-38141001Morey & Thomas, Jacksonville, FL5815.8.1917
2276-227941001Morey & Thomas, Jacksonville, FL4447.8.1918EFC 2277 compl. w/o mcy., 2276 & 2278-79 canc. 25.3.1919
356-35721001Murdock, J.M., Jacksonville, FL5323.7.1917
2045-204841001Murdock, J.M., Jacksonville, FL3798.7.19181 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 8.2.1919
342-34541001Murnan SB, Mobile, AL4921.7.19172 compl. w/o mcy., then to builder (canc.) 24.11.1919, 2 canc. 25.3.1919
1089-109021001National SB&DD, Savannah, GA17024.12.19172 canc. 25.3.1919
465-46841001Nilson & Kelez SB, Seattle, WA7431.8.1917
2139-214021001Nilson & Kelez SB, Seattle, WA34128.6.19182 compl. w/o mcy.
2723-272421001Nilson & Kelez SB, Seattle, WA48821.9.19182 canc. 25.3.1919
370-37121001North Carolina SB, Morehead City, NC5611.8.19172 compl. w/o mcy.
2675-267621001North Carolina SB, Morehead City, NC48123.8.19182 canc. 25.3.1919
469-47241001Rodgers, G.F., Astoria, OR751.9.1917
208711001Rodgers, G.F., Astoria, OR33910.6.19181 canc. 25.3.1919
208811001Rodgers, G.F., Astoria, OR339 supp23.7.19181 canc. 25.3.1919
2839-284021001Rodgers, G.F., Astoria, OR49926.9.19182 canc. 25.3.1919
1214-121521001Rolph SB, Rolph, CA18931.1.19181 to FDB, 1 compl. w/o mcy
2378-237921001Rolph SB, Rolph, CA38617.6.19182 to sailing
2380-238341001Rolph SB, Rolph, CA45916.8.19181 to sailing, 3 canc. 25.3.1919
153-15641001Russell SB, Portland, ME1923.6.1917
1037-103821001Russell SB, Portland, ME19 supp6.12.19172 compl. w/o mcy.
2745-274731001Russell SB, Portland, ME493Error: contract not authorized
89-98101001Sanderson & Porter, Raymond, WA114.6.19177 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB
2327-233151001Sanderson & Porter, Raymond, WA11 supp26.8.19185 canc. 25.3.1919
486-48721001Sandy Point SB, Sandy Pt., ME802.8.19172 compl. w/o mcy.
473-48081001Seaborn SY, Tacoma, WA767.8.1917
2135-213621001Seaborn SY, Tacoma, WA32810.6.19181 compl. w/o mcy.
2198-220141001Seaborn SY, Tacoma, WA328 supp13.8.19182 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB
391-408181001Shattuck, L.H., Portsmouth, NH6026.7.1917EFC 393 & 396 to Dsn 1113 FDB (below), 399 & 402 compl. w/o mcy., 403-405 to FDB, 406-408 canc. 25.3.1919 & compl. privately
137-13821001Ship Const & Trading, Stonington, CT1615.6.19171 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB
43-4641001Sloan SY, Anacortes, WA618.5.19172 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB
53-5421001Sloan SY, Anacortes, WA618.5.19172 canc. 15.3.1919
39-4241001Sloan SY, Olympia, WA618.5.1917
47-5261001Sloan SY, Olympia, WA618.5.19172 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB, 2 canc. 15.3.1919
293-30081001Smith, H. & Sons, Baltimore, MD4117.7.19172 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 25.3.1919, 4 canc. 1.10.1918
2521-252441001Sommarstrom SB, Columbia City, OR33114.6.19181 to FDB, 1 canc. 25.3.1919 & compl. privately
351-35551001Southern DD&SB, Orange, TX5221.7.1917EFC 351-352 & 354 compl. w/o mcy., 353 & 355 to FDB
2363-236751001Southern DD&SB, Orange, TX4569.8.19181 to FDB, 4 canc. 25.3.1919
481-48221001St. Helen's SB, St. Helen's, OR7714.7.1917
2137-213821001St. Helen's SB, St. Helen's, OR33713.6.19181 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB
2793-279421001St. Helen's SB, St. Helen's, OR5041.10.19182 canc. 25.3.1919
139-14241001St. John's River SY, Jacksonville, FL1719.6.1917
2099-210021001St. John's River SY, Jacksonville, FL405A31.7.19181 compl. w/o mcy., 1 canc. 25.3.1919
2831-283221001St. John's River SY, Jacksonville, FL510Error: duplicate of contr. 405 supp (405A). Contract not in McKellar
2849-285021001St. John's River SY, Jacksonville, FL405 supp4.10.19182 canc. 25.3.1919
17-26101001Standifer, G.M., Portland, OR314.5.1917EFC 18, 20 compl. w/o mcy.
2816-281941001Standifer, G.M., Portland, OR5082.10.19183 compl. w/o mcy., 1 canc. 25.3.1919 & compl. privately
543-54641001Tacoma SB, Tacoma, WA8520.9.1917
2221-222661001Tacoma SB, Tacoma, WA3106.6.19183 compl. w/o mcy., 1 to FDB, 2 canc. 25.3.1919
200-20341001Tampa Dock, Tampa, FL2730.6.19171 compl. w/o mcy.
2095-209841001Tampa Dock, Tampa, FL40725.7.19181 to FDB, 3 canc. 28.3.1919
173-17641001Tenney, C.H., Hampton, VA2223.6.19172 compl. w/o mcy., 1 canc. 25.3.1919, 1 canc. 30.11.1918
177-186101001Traylor SB, Cornwells, PA2316.6.19171 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 25.3.1919
364-36961001U.S.Maritime, Brunswick, GA5511.8.19171 compl. w/o mcy., 3 canc. 25.3.1919
2855-285731001U.S.Maritime, Brunswick, GA5165.9.19183 canc. 25.3.1919
204-20961001Union Bridge & Const, Morgan City, LA2816.6.19174 compl. w/o mcy.
157-168121001Universal SB, Houston, TX2023.6.1917EFC 160-162 & 165 compl. w/o mcy., 166-167 to FDB, 163-164 & 168 to FDB and then canc. 28.3.1919
2146-215161001Universal SB, Houston, TX423A25.7.19186 canc. 28.3.1919
444-44631001Wilson SB, Astoria, OR7016.8.1917
1458-146031001Wilson SB, Astoria, OR22125.3.19181 compl. w/o mcy.
229111001Wilson SB, Astoria, OR3326.6.19181 to FDB
2760-276231001Wilson SB, Astoria, OR49826.9.19183 canc. 25.3.1919
490-49121001Wright SY, Tacoma, WA822.8.1917
1363-136421001Wright SY, Tacoma, WA20925.2.19182 compl. w/o mcy.
2089-209021001Wright SY, Tacoma, WA32920.6.19182 compl. w/o mcy.
2315-231731001Wright SY, Tacoma, WA329 supp15.8.19181 to FDB, 2 canc. 25.3.1919
415-42281001York River SB, West Point, VA6220.8.19171 to FDB, 1 compl. w/o mcy., 6 canc. 25.3.1919
Design 10033500-ton Hough
451-45431003Coos Bay SB, Marshfield, OR726.9.19171 to Dsn 1114 FDB, q.v.
432-43531003Fulton SB, Wilmington, CA6523.8.19171 to Dsn 1114 FDB, q.v.
250-261121003Grant Smith-Porter, St. Johns, OR3425.6.1917
426-43151003Kruse & Banks, North Bend, OR6425.8.19171 to Dsn 1114 FDB, q.v.
659-668101003McEachern Ship, Astoria, OR966.9.19172 to FDB
437-44041003Sommarstrom SB, Columbia City, OR6716.8.1917
Design 10044000-ton Peninsula
35-3841004Peninsula SB, Portland, OR515.5.1917
1095-109841004Peninsula SB, Portland, OR17215.12.1917
2165-216841004Peninsula SB, Portland, OR4378.10.19184 to sailing
Design 10054000-ton Grays Harbor (Ward)
55-5841005Grays Harbor M.S., Grays Hbr, WA719.5.1917
998-100141005Grays Harbor M.S., Grays Hbr, WA14828.11.1917
1059-106241005Grays Harbor M.S., Grays Hbr, WA148 supp29.12.1917
1892-189651005Grays Harbor M.S., Grays Hbr, WA148 supp8.6.1918
1113-111421005Puget Sd Bridge & Dredge, Seattle, WA159A10.1.1918
Design 10064700-ton Daugherty
234-245121006National SB, Orange, TX3211.7.1917
Design 10072500-ton Lake & Ocean
19111007Lake & Ocean Nav., Sturgeon B, WI2528.6.1917
Design 10083650-ton Allen
122811008Allen SB, Seattle, WA19313.2.1918
203811008Allen SB, Seattle, WA193 supp1.7.19181 to Design 1115 FDB (q.v.)
2188-218921008Allen SB, Seattle, WA43010.8.19181 to Design 1115 FDB (q.v.), 1 canc. 25.3.1919
Design 10093500-ton McClelland (composite)
1-441009Merrill-Stevens, Jacksonville, FL129.4.1917
5-1281009Merrill-Stevens, Slidell, LA129.4.19171 compl. w/o mcy., 2 canc. 12.3.1919, 4 canc. 9.5.1918
Design 10103500-ton McClelland (composite)
310-327181010Mobile SB, Mobile, AL4420.7.191712 canc. 18.6.1918 and replaced by contr. 303 for steel cargo ships, EFC 1960-71
63-82201010Terry SB, Savannah, GA924.5.19174 canc. 10.10.1919, 10 canc. 12.3.1918
Design 10114000-ton Ballin
226-23381011Supple & Ballin, Portland, OR319.7.1917Sometimes called composite
Design 10514600-ton Daugherty
1568-157361051Union Bridge & Const, Morgan City, LA28 supp3.5.19186 canc. 25.3.1919 (start never authorized)
Design 10565000-ton Daugherty
2443-244861056Dierks Blodgett, Pascagoula, MS43813.8.19186 canc. 28.3.1919. Contract not in McKellar
2529-2544161056National SB, Orange, TX3363.5.19186 canc. 21.6.1919 of which 3 compl. privately, 10 canc. 24.3.1919
Design 10653500-ton Pacific American Fisheries
1201-120551065Pacific Am Fisheries, Bellingham, WA1876.2.1918
206411065Pacific Am Fisheries, Bellingham, WA187 supp7.6.1918
233211065Pacific Am Fisheries, Bellingham, WA187 supp14.8.1918
Design 10672500-ton Ferris barge
2431-243881067American Lumber, Millville, FL39418.7.19181 canc. 25.3.1919, 6 canc. 29.10.1918
2216-221941067American SB&DD, Beaufort, SC3751.7.19184 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2409-241241067Anclote SB, Tarpon Springs, FL4091.8.19184 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2556-256381067Atlantic Gulf & Pacific, Brooklyn, NY39018.7.19188 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2748-274921067Bangor Brewer, Bangor, ME49411.9.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not executed, not in McKellar
2333-233421067Bloxom Bros., Battery Pk, VA45017.8.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2361-236221067Calais SB, Calais, ME4081.8.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2141-214551067Coastwise SB, Baltimore, MD3763.7.19182 canc. 29.10.1918
2481-248221067Cobb, F. SB, Rockland, ME46229.8.19181 canc. 29.10.1918
2454-245521067Crisfield SB, Crisfield, MD42710.8.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2594-259631067Crook, H.E., Baltimore, MD47421.8.19181 canc. 29.10.1918
257711067Crosby Nav., Richmond, ME469A20.9.1918
2421-242441067Cumberland SB, S. Portland, ME40230.7.19184 canc. 29.10.1918
2350-235121067Darien SB, Darien, GA4549.8.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
229011067Green, R.T., Chelsea, MA44617.8.1918
2545-255061067Gulf Coast Transp., N. Orleans, LA38010.7.19186 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2551-255551067Houston SB, Houston, TX37429.6.19185 canc. 29.10.1918
2305-231061067Johnson SY, Mariners Hbr, NY44816.8.19181 canc. 25.3.1919, 4 canc. 29.10.1918
2335-234061067Kelley Spear, Bath, ME38815.7.19184 canc. 29.10.1918
2607-261041067Kendrick-Aulick-Cobb-Tucker, Tampa, FL47514.9.19184 canc. 29.10.1918 (AKA Hillsboro SB Co.). Contract not in McKellar
2323-232641067Machias Ship Const., Machias, ME3818.7.19181 canc. 29.10.1918
2741-274221067McCammon, J.N., Beaumont, TX5079.19182 canc. 18.1.1919 (contract not approved)
2109-2118101067Midland Bridge, Houston, TX393B16.7.19188 canc. 29.10.1918
2425-242841067Mississippi SB, Biloxi, MS40023.7.19184 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2659-266131067Narragansett SB, Tiverton, RI48011.9.19183 canc. 29.10.1918
2405-240841067Newcastle SB, Damariscotta, ME4101.8.19181 sold to builder 6.3.1919 (canc.), 3 canc. 29.10.1918
2476-247721067Sandy Point SB, Sandy Pt., ME4142.8.1918
2341-234221067Sawyer SY, Millbridge, ME45128.8.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2429-243021067Smith & Terry, Bethel, DE39719.7.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2101-210661067St. John's River SY, Jacksonville, FL405B31.7.19183 canc. 29.10.1918
2592-259321067Standard SY, Wiscasset, ME47131.8.19182 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
2005-200731067Union Bridge & Const, Morgan City, LA34324.6.1918
2152-215321067Universal SB, Houston, TX423B25.7.19182 canc. 29.10.1918
2413-241421067White Haven SB, White Haven, MD40630.7.1918
Design 10693500-ton Ferris barge
2774-277521069Elliott Bay SB, Seattle, WA50128.9.19182 canc. 29.10.1918 Contract not executed, not in McKellar
2318-232251069Foundation, Newark, NJ44914.8.19185 canc. 10.10.1918 (contract not executed)
2617-262041069Jahncke SB, Madisonville, LA39215.8.19184 canc. 29.10.1918
2483-248641069Neches SB, Beaumont, TX46324.9.19184 canc. 29.10.1918. Contract not in McKellar
Design 10754500-ton Ballin
1121-112661075Standifer, G.M., Vancouver, WA1761.2.1918
2091-209441075Kiernan & Kern, Portland, OR40113.7.19184 canc. 25.3.1919
2820-282561075Standifer, G.M., Vancouver, WA5092.10.19186 canc. 25.3.1919
Design 10841500-ton Continental
204911084Continental SB, Yonkers, NY3842.7.1918To FDB 29.1.1919
Design 11024500-ton Ballin
2194-219741102Supple & Ballin, Portland, OR38916.7.19181 canc. 25.3.1919
Design 11044800-ton Australian design
2439-244241104Patterson McDonald, Seattle, WA44515.8.19184 canc. 25.3.1919
Design 11092000-ton Beaumont barge
2127-212821109Beaumont SB&DD, Beaumont, TX411B22.7.1918Purchased by EFC while building, "Kirby Schooners"
Design 11115000-ton Geary
1115-112061111Puget Sd Bridge & Dredge, Seattle, WA159B10.1.1918All to FDB before 12.18. EFC 1116 & 1118 canc. 15.3.1919, 1119-1120 canc. 27.3.1919
Design 1113Design 1001 converted to barge
27811113Johnson SY, Mariners Hbr, NY3814.7.1917To FDB before 12.18
393, 39621113Shattuck, L.H., Portsmouth, NH6026.7.1917To FDB before 12.18
Design 1114Design 1003 converted to barge
45411114Coos Bay SB, Marshfield, OR726.9.1917To FDB 1919
43511114Fulton SB, Wilmington, CA6523.8.1917To FDB 1919
43111114Kruse & Banks, North Bend, OR6425.8.1917To FDB 1919
Design 1115Design 1008 converted to barge
203811115Allen SB, Seattle, WA193 supp1.7.1918To FDB before 12.18
218811115Allen SB, Seattle, WA43010.8.1918To FDB after 12.18 (EFC 2189 susp. 11.18)
Design 11164100-ton Grays Harbor (Ward)
2677-268481116Grays Harbor M.S., Grays Hbr, WA46812.9.19184 canc. 19.3.1919, EFC 2677-2680 compl. w/o mcy. but 2679 burned, canc. 19.5.1919.
Design 11293500-ton Crosby barge
257811129Crosby Nav., Richmond, ME469B20.9.1918Substituted for a second Design 1067 barge in this contract

Source: U.S. National Archives, Record Group 32, Records of the United States Shipping Board, primarily those of the Emergency Fleet Corporation's Ship Construction Division including its Contract and Legal Divisions.