The "Online Library of Selected Images" was created by the U.S. Naval Historical Center in 1998 as an online resource for photographs of U. S. Navy ships and other topics in U. S. naval history, and many thousands of photographs were added over the next decade. The Naval Historical Center was renamed the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) in December 2008 and no ship photographs were posted on its "Online Library" after April 2009. In January 2015 the "Online Library" was removed from the NHHC website during a site modernization. The "Online Library of Selected Images" remains available on the web in the form of a mirror version on the well-known documentary HyperWar website as part of HyperWar's project of ensuring widespread and reliable public access to materials concerning American history. Now the only copy of the "Online Library" on the web except on archival sites, it duplicates the entire content of the "Online Library" as it existed in April 2009, is maintained entirely with private means, and has no official association with the U.S. Navy or any other component of the United States Government. It also contains a few new ship images added through about February 2011. Use the following link to access it. |